We adopted a [FURRY] son!!! Detroit Metro – Downriver – Taylor, Michigan – Pet – Family Photography

Less than a month ago I took the twins up to the Taylor Animal Shelter while my oldest was attending school. I volunteer as a photographer at nearby shelters so they can have good photos of the animals for their websites. As always, the twins fell in love with a couple of young dogs that I was photographing and begged to bring them home, but I did not think I was ready for the responsibility of a dog, being a single mom is enough responsibility. (Lol) So, I figured bringing the twins to visit these dogs would have to do for now. I went and got an older dog out of his cage to photograph him, he was a red color, and calm. He seemed extremely sad to be in the shelter. He was unsure how to take affection from me as if he had never gotten it before. He easily licked the girls faces and stayed right by my side as I walked him on his leash. He was calm, but had an inner puppy that really wanted to trust you and have fun. He was for sure my favorite right away. He didn’t have an adoption card on his cage, most don’t if they are strays and haven’t met the time to be put up for adoption. When a shelter worker say me with him they told me not to photograph him, I was confused but figured it was just that he was a new stray again, so the girls and I hung out with him on the grass for an hour or so and left soon after returning him to his cage.

Something didn’t settle well when I was trying to sleep that night. Why wouldn’t they have just let me photograph that dog, what if his owners couldn’t find him and he went up for adoption? Couldn’t they use the photo then?

The next day I called the shelter and was told he WAS up for adoption, but his card was down because like most cities, they can’t afford to house that many dogs, and he had been there 8 months already and they couldn’t save him any longer. Closing was in two hours, which meant his closing was in two hours….. I was at the shelter in less than two minutes to save him.

My new furry son is loving, has an AMAZING temperament (I don’t know by just owning him, but I have had it tested just to be sure, my kids come first when bringing any animal into my house), He can be left out all day to roam the house and never have an accident, he chases squirrels (has already gotten two) and has taken care of our mole problem. He has opened up, will play with us all day, he jumps up in the air off all fours and then proceeds to runs in circles. I have (finally) taught him how to fetch a ball. He doesn’t chew, and is the most obedient dog I have ever met. With in the first week I taught him “Sit”, “Lay”, “go lay in your bed”, “Come here”, “shake”, and “up”. The only thing he already knew was “no”. It made him shake when you said it so I’m thinking he didn’t have a good life before us. But we are going to give him the best life that he deserves now, a life that was almost taken from him.

Meet Fues!


(Shelter photo)

….and here is our happy boys first photo session!








About the Pit Bull breed-

Sometime during the nineteenth century, dog fanciers in England, Ireland, and Scotland began to experiment with crosses between Bulldogs and Terriers, looking for a dog that combined the gameness of the terrier with the strength and athleticism of the Bulldog. The result was a dog that embodied all of the virtues attributed to great warriors: strength, indomitable courage, and gentleness with loved ones. Immigrants brought these bull and terrier crosses to the United States

Statically, the medical profession reports that small dogs (weighing less than 20lbs) cause %70 of all dog bites that require medical attention in the United States. “Pit Bull” is an umbrella named used for several different breeds of very different dogs. An American Pit Bull Terrier and a Staffordshire Pit Bull have very similar features, however the markings and “physical standards” (based on AKC & UKC) are different.

As for fatal dog bites, most are caused by German Shepard’s and Retrievers. These breeds of dogs have been trained for years to “retrieve” for their owner, thus inflicting severe damage. The media has turned the bully breeds into monsters. Bully breed dogs were bred to wrangle large farm animals without inflicting serious damage and to kill large predators threatening their homes. For over a century, bully breeds were called “Nanny” dogs and could be found in most homes near the children. It is instinctual for a bully breed to gravitate to children. It was their job to “keep an eye” on the children and alerting the mother when she was needed. Also, most “fighting” dogs are owned and trained by men. It was breed into these breeds that when in the house, the mother was the master (the pack leader).

All dogs have the instinct to become vicious. Small dogs, especially Chihuahuas, are known to bite people walking by them. This is a statistical fact, not an opinion. People who have not researched a breed or talked to owners or breeders should not make opinions and call them facts. Because of uneducated and untrained people, thousands of dogs die each day because of a stereotype or mistaken identity. If just one person takes the time to become educated then the bully breed in general would be better understood.

As for the myth of “locking jaws”, it has been scientifically proven that bully breeds and “Pit Bulls” do not have locking jaws nor do they have a stronger bit than other breeds the same size. People assume that their jaws are super-powered because of their large “smile”. The shape of a bully’s mouth is a direct reflection of what they were bred to do. Example- A pit bull has a long, square snout and large cheek muscles allowing the dog to capture the prey or subdue the farm animal without causing extreme damage or pain to their jaw. If a smaller snout dog tried to catch a bull they may actually rip their jaw muscles to shreds because they are having to over-extend their jaws to perform the same task as a pit bull. As for the bite and release myth, all dogs will immediately release a bite when they realize that they have done wrong. However, all dogs will also hold and shake as well. Dogs hold and shake when playing, when threatened, and sometimes a human faints in front of them, not just when fighting. Remember that a dog has the ability to recognize a seizure before it actually happens and they can sense heart palpitations. Not every dog will react the same in situations, it all depends on the dog’s personality.

The United Kennel Club gives this description of the characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier:

The essential characteristics of the American Pit Bull Terrier are strength, confidence, and zest for life. This breed is eager to please and brimming over with enthusiasm. APBTs make excellent family companions and have always been noted for their love of children. The breed’s natural agility makes it one of the most capable canine climbers so good fencing is a must for this breed. The APBT is not the best choice for a guard dog since they are extremely friendly, even with strangers. Aggressive behavior toward humans is uncharacteristic of the breed and highly undesirable. This breed does very well in performance events because of its high level of intelligence and its willingness to work


The best review on Pit Bulls I could have read and that was my deciding factor on getting my new son, was this review written by the ASPCA The Truth About Pit Bulls. If you think negative of me for bringing a Pit Bull into my home, please read the whole article first, and then, maybe, you will realize why I saved this loving boy!

The most decorated war dog was a Pit Bull named Sergeant Stubby

Petey, the playful dog, from the show “The Little Rascals” was a Pit Bull

Truth about pit bull myths can be found here

This Pit Bull was named a hero this year

Info on pit bulls

9 thoughts on “We adopted a [FURRY] son!!! Detroit Metro – Downriver – Taylor, Michigan – Pet – Family Photography

  1. Sweet dog….GREAT pics! I LOVE the one with the dog close and clear and the kids in the background….PRICELESS! This goes for ANY creature….its ALL in how they are raised! πŸ™‚

  2. We have two English bulldogs and they are the best family dogs ever!!! Have fun with your newest furry baby πŸ™‚

  3. As a Momma to one human child and many a pit bull, I couldn’t agree more with you, your choice and your eloquent words above.
    Thank you for saving him, he has in turn saved all of you.
    Best, Sheila

  4. Awesome story. Thank you for looking past the label “pit bull” and seeing him for what he really is, a dog wanting to be loved. The world could use more people like you.

  5. Pingback: All About the American Pit Bull Terrier Dog | Publish N Prosper

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